Andhra Pradesh Residential Junior College CET (APRJC-CET-2010 ) Scheme
The candidate has to choose only ONE Group out of the Six Groups offered and the change of group
is not possible under any circumstances. They have to clearly specify the group of their choice in the
ICR application and should not apply for two groups in one application. The applications received
without mentioning their group will be allotted MPC Group and no correspondence will be entertained
there after. The candidates have to take entrance test in the following three subjects for respective
groups. The test is of objective type with 21/2 hours duration for 150 Marks (50 Marks for each subject).
The candidates have to mark their answers on the OMR Sheet provided.
The question papers will be based on 10th standard state syllabus.
is not possible under any circumstances. They have to clearly specify the group of their choice in the
ICR application and should not apply for two groups in one application. The applications received
without mentioning their group will be allotted MPC Group and no correspondence will be entertained
there after. The candidates have to take entrance test in the following three subjects for respective
groups. The test is of objective type with 21/2 hours duration for 150 Marks (50 Marks for each subject).
The candidates have to mark their answers on the OMR Sheet provided.
The question papers will be based on 10th standard state syllabus.