Andhra Pradesh Residential Junior College APRJC-CET/APRDC-CET-2010 notification has been released for the year of 2010. The APRJC-CET-2010 / APRDC-CET-2010 ICR application cum prospectus can be obtained from the different centres on payment of cash Rs.150/- from 25-03-2010 to 17-04-2010
1) The candidates must apply only in the prescribed APRJC-CET-2010/APRDC-CET-2010 ICR application bearing the application No. supplied by the Convenor through the specified Sales centers only. Applications received in any other form or shape will be summarily rejected and no correspondence will be entertained thereafter. The applications once sold can not be taken back under any circumstances at any Official Sales Centres ,
2) ICR Applications should be filled in properly, clearly and legibly by the candidate by his/her own hand-writing with ball pen (thick black) in capital letters only. Information should be written in the middle of the boxes and the letters or figures should not touch or cross the edges of the boxes which lead miss reading of the information by the scanner.
3) The candidate him/her self is personally responsible for incomplete or incorrect entries in the ICR application. The applicants themselves are solely responsible for incomplete applications and inconvenience caused thereby.
4) The candidate is advised to write the correct, complete and present corresponding address with PIN code and Contact Phone/Cell No. to avoid mis communication of Hall Ticket, Rank card, Selection Orders etc., for which the candidate is alone responsible.
5) The Convenor reserves the right to cancel the admission at any stage if the particulars furnished by any of the candidate is found incorrect or against the rules of admission.
6) In case of tie among the candidates with the same marks in the Entrance test the order of merit will be decided a) the higher marks secured by the candidate in Mathematics for MPC/EET, Physical Science for BPC/CGDM and Social Studies for CEC/MEC will be considered, b) If still the tie persists, the higher marks secured candidate in Physical Science for MPC/EET, Biological Science for BPC/CGDM and Mathematics for CEC/MEC will be considered,
c) If still the tie persists, it will be decided by taking advanced age as criteria. And if tie persists further the candidates will be given the same rank and it will be decided based on the marks secured in the qualifying examination in the concerned group subjects at the time of counselling. Note: BC-E admissions will be made as per the rules in vogue at the time of Admission.
7) Hall Tickets and Call letters will be sent through Under Certificate of Post Only. The Convenor or the APREI Society (Regd.) Hyderabad are not responsible for postal delay or for the non receipt of Hall tickets or call letters due to other reasons.
8) The information furnished in ICR application by the candidate will only be considered and registered and if any candidate fails to fill his/her complete information or give wrong information the fault lies with the applicant only. Since the Candidate’s application is scanned the data will be created by the computer through the ICR Scanner only and there is no scope for manual handling and there by human errors. The complete process of preparing nominal roll, issuing of Hall Tickets, tabulation and ranking is done by the Computers.
9) The Jurisdiction for any appeals to be settled in the Hyderabad city courts only. The reference period for such appeal are before the completion of admissions of APRJC-CET-2010/APRDCCET- 2010 for the academic year 2010-2011 or before the last date of admissions in to first year intermediate as announced by the Board of Intermediate Education A.P. Hyderabad only and before the closure of first year degree admission by Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjunanagar, Guntur.
Click Here For More Details and Application Forms
1) The candidates must apply only in the prescribed APRJC-CET-2010/APRDC-CET-2010 ICR application bearing the application No. supplied by the Convenor through the specified Sales centers only. Applications received in any other form or shape will be summarily rejected and no correspondence will be entertained thereafter. The applications once sold can not be taken back under any circumstances at any Official Sales Centres ,
2) ICR Applications should be filled in properly, clearly and legibly by the candidate by his/her own hand-writing with ball pen (thick black) in capital letters only. Information should be written in the middle of the boxes and the letters or figures should not touch or cross the edges of the boxes which lead miss reading of the information by the scanner.
3) The candidate him/her self is personally responsible for incomplete or incorrect entries in the ICR application. The applicants themselves are solely responsible for incomplete applications and inconvenience caused thereby.
4) The candidate is advised to write the correct, complete and present corresponding address with PIN code and Contact Phone/Cell No. to avoid mis communication of Hall Ticket, Rank card, Selection Orders etc., for which the candidate is alone responsible.
5) The Convenor reserves the right to cancel the admission at any stage if the particulars furnished by any of the candidate is found incorrect or against the rules of admission.
6) In case of tie among the candidates with the same marks in the Entrance test the order of merit will be decided a) the higher marks secured by the candidate in Mathematics for MPC/EET, Physical Science for BPC/CGDM and Social Studies for CEC/MEC will be considered, b) If still the tie persists, the higher marks secured candidate in Physical Science for MPC/EET, Biological Science for BPC/CGDM and Mathematics for CEC/MEC will be considered,
c) If still the tie persists, it will be decided by taking advanced age as criteria. And if tie persists further the candidates will be given the same rank and it will be decided based on the marks secured in the qualifying examination in the concerned group subjects at the time of counselling. Note: BC-E admissions will be made as per the rules in vogue at the time of Admission.
7) Hall Tickets and Call letters will be sent through Under Certificate of Post Only. The Convenor or the APREI Society (Regd.) Hyderabad are not responsible for postal delay or for the non receipt of Hall tickets or call letters due to other reasons.
8) The information furnished in ICR application by the candidate will only be considered and registered and if any candidate fails to fill his/her complete information or give wrong information the fault lies with the applicant only. Since the Candidate’s application is scanned the data will be created by the computer through the ICR Scanner only and there is no scope for manual handling and there by human errors. The complete process of preparing nominal roll, issuing of Hall Tickets, tabulation and ranking is done by the Computers.
9) The Jurisdiction for any appeals to be settled in the Hyderabad city courts only. The reference period for such appeal are before the completion of admissions of APRJC-CET-2010/APRDCCET- 2010 for the academic year 2010-2011 or before the last date of admissions in to first year intermediate as announced by the Board of Intermediate Education A.P. Hyderabad only and before the closure of first year degree admission by Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjunanagar, Guntur.
Click Here For More Details and Application Forms